Buzz Marketing consists of a set of strategies that can be applied to increase brand engagement and recognition.
Most of the time, all a brand wants is to be in people's mouths , being talked about. If you're looking for a way to get that for your company, we have the answer in two words: Buzz Marketing.
This branch of marketing specializes in getting people (the consumer public) to talk and comment about a company's brand, generating that buzz that is accompanied by a large number of sales.
It is possible to place your company as the topic of the week, philippines whatsapp number on the streets or social networks, by applying some techniques that we are going to learn about in today's post.
So, read on!
What is Buzz Marketing and where did it originate?
Imagine what life was like in a circus many decades ago. Without the internet or television to publicise their activities, circus professionals had a hard time ensuring that the city was aware that they had arrived.
Therefore, it was customary for circuses to promote a publicity stunt on the streets, doing some tricks and free displays, so that people would know they were in town.
Always, after a performance like that, the tickets for the show quickly sold out.
In a way, that is the origin of the essence of Buzz Marketing.
In a nutshell, we can define Buzz Marketing as the set of techniques that will make people talk about your brand. It is, in a way, creating engagement.
In the case of the circuses of the past, they would perform acts and tricks in the streets so that people would comment to each other that the artists were in town and how impressive their skills were.
After the first show, news spread quickly and soon the entire city would gather to see the show.
Buzz Marketing is generally focused on two different types of audiences: pioneers and early adopters.
The idea is simple: since these two types of consumers are the most interested in new and innovative products, or are more willing to give a chance to companies they don't know, they are the most suitable to be the first customers of a brand.
Once they have won over their customers, they will then initiate discussions with other people, helping the brand to become increasingly well-known and guaranteeing customers who will follow them.