Outbound email marketing: emails that go straight to the trash

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Outbound email marketing: emails that go straight to the trash

Post by mouakter12 »

The types of actions carried out in B2B and B2C companies are very different from each other. Only choose agencies that have experience in your sector. Remember that your company offers a very specific product/service to a specific buyer persona and, therefore, requires a specialized agency capable of understanding and interpreting their needs.

3. Use appropriate Keywords

Now that you have a deeper understanding of your company’s requirements, you will agree that the search “Marketing agencies in Valencia” is too broad and generic for the specific needs of your company.

The only way to achieve the necessary precision is through the use of specific keywords in the search engine.

We will use “long tail” keywords to narrow down the search as much as possible. We understand “long tail” to be words that define the content of the search in a very specific way, narrowing the focus only to those pages that may really interest us.

If you want to achieve a more precise level of accuracy, you can use the find owner of cell phone number free philippines different Google match types. Depending on the match type selected, it will return different results.


The different types of concordance are:

Broad Match
Displays all searches with phrases, relevant variations and synonyms of one or more of the words that compose it.

Example: marketing agency
Searches that may match: marketing company
Broad match modifier
Allows the ad to display slight variations of the term, but not synonyms.

Symbol: + keyword
Example: + marketing agency + Valencia
Searches that may match: best marketing agencies in Valencia
Phrase Match
Include the exact phrase or variations of the exact phrase, with other words before or after.

Symbol: “ keyword ”
Example: “ marketing in Valencia ”
Searches that may match: marketing in Valencia capital
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