Requirements to work and collect unemployment benefits

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Requirements to work and collect unemployment benefits

Post by Joywtseo421 »

We all know that if you are collecting unemployment benefits, it is because you are not working. But this is not always the case, and like every general rule, there are exceptions. Therefore, you can work and collect unemployment benefits at the same time, but you must meet a series of requirements that we will analyze later.

You can collect unemployment benefits and work , and this can be done within the law . The law includes this possibility when the job is part-time, as indicated in article 270 of the General Law on Social Security.

The purpose of unemployment benefits or aid is to provide workers with an income while actively searching for a job.

First of all, the most important thing is that if you are collecting unemployment special database benefits and you are going to work, you must notify the Employment Service.

Previously, unemployment benefits could only be collected while working, when the work was for someone else. Collecting unemployment benefits and working for yourself was incompatible, but after the approval of Law 31/2015 , measures to encourage and promote self-employment , the possibility of combining unemployment benefits with self-employment has been established for the first 270 days of being self-employed, or you can request a lump sum payment of unemployment benefits or suspend the benefit.

Working and collecting unemployment benefits is possible, as long as it is a part-time contract.

If the job is for someone else, it is essential that there is a legal contract between the unemployed person and the person hiring them. In addition, it must be a part-time contract , because if it is a full-time contract, they would not be entitled to continue receiving unemployment benefits. Also, if the job is part-time, you can request suspension of the benefit.

Contributory benefit
As we have already pointed out, it is possible to work part-time and receive the contributory benefit. In this way, the SEPE (State Public Employment Service) continues to pay the worker the benefit, but reduced in proportion to the hours worked . Another option is to stop receiving unemployment benefits while the contract is in force, and resume it afterwards.

If you decide to stop the benefit and the contract lasts less than 360 days , you can request the resumption of the benefit you interrupted.
If the contract lasts 360 days or more , you can choose between resuming the interrupted benefit or requesting a new one.
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