Each service has a specific function with its own application and even its own database. If you merge various services, a new product is created.
2. Microservices are fast to develop
Another great advantage of microservices is that they are fast to develop, test and deploy. And that makes the work of developers less complicated and faster. After all, the developer only has to focus on one facet.
A microservices architecture can raise new security issues. Because microservices are API-driven, not every organization may be ready for this. Without proper security, APIs can provide access to information that you do not want to release. It is therefore of the utmost importance to have security in order. Of course, there are numerous solutions that ensure that security is optimal, but it does require extra attention from IT.
4. You have more freedom in technological choices
When you start working with microservices, you are no longer limited by the limited possibilities of a monolithic system. With monolithic applications, you are stuck with application structures and methodologies that are difficult to change. When you start working with microservices, developers have more freedom of choice. They can start working with the specific technology that best suits the solution to be developed.
5. The speed depends on the base system
It will come as no surprise that the speed of healthcare email list microservices depends on the underlying system and network. If one service is slow, it will affect the entire application. It helps if you invest in tools that accelerate the network and APM (Application Performance Monitoring) tools that can monitor the various components.
If one service is slow, it affects the entire application.
6. Take it step by step
The transition to microservices does not have to happen all at once. If you convert modules to a microservice from time to time, the monolithic 'monster' will gradually shrink. When you have converted enough modules, the monolithic solution will cease to exist. Especially if you do not add new functionalities to the existing system at the same time, but create a new stand-alone microservice from the new codes.