The art of generating emotions when a reader reads your post

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The art of generating emotions when a reader reads your post

Post by Abdur12 »

If you want to reach the hearts of your readers, you have to offer a little more than practical information. Share stories and emotions to connect with your audience.

Carlos Bravo9
The Internet has not changed the basic rules of human life. We still function through relationships. We seek out people who are similar to us, people we admire, people we can help, or people we just like.

Transmitting emotion in a blogPhoto rights by Fotolia

Relationships work through emotions. We are attracted to those who make us feel good and sometimes even to those who make us unhappy. Human beings seek extremes and what leaves them indifferent leaves no mark.

Why emotions matter in a blog
In the blogging world it's all about building relationships. Both with other bloggers and especially with your readers. I've learned that the most important thing is to write for people without worrying too job phone numbers much about what the search engines think.

It helps you convert visitors into readers : Emotions are your most powerful weapon when it comes to connecting with readers. You create a bond of trust with those who read you. Over time, they get the feeling of knowing you without having met you in person. Visits are not relevant. What matters is that the user returns to your blog.
It has greater potential for diffusion on social networks : in an increasingly artificial world, everything that conveys emotions is related to honesty. People are looking for real characters with stories that move beyond what one can find on the cinema screen. Above all, social networks are a suitable channel for this type of content.
It is a linkbaiting technique : Twitter and Facebook are not the only channels where emotional content is spread. Blogs are another ideal place where every blogger has an interest in sharing information that adds value to their followers. With this type of post, you therefore increase the chances of receiving links from other blogs that reference you.
How to make your readers cry or laugh
Being yourself is perhaps the best advice you can give. You have to accept that this means that not everyone will like you. You know what? That's okay. Trying to do so is a waste of time and results in not fitting in well with anyone.
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