Writing new blog posts is one of the biggest challenges for a beginner. If you want to increase your traffic, you should publish 2-3 posts per week.
Carlos Bravo51
Once you've chosen your blog name, there's no turning back. After choosing a design and making the basic settings, the most important part comes: writing your first post. If you're not a born writer like most beginning bloggers, it will probably take you several hours or even days from typing the first few words to editing and publishing the final article.
Blog update frequencyPhoto rights by Fotolia
The downside to a blog is that it requires constant updating. With jordan phone number lookup what your first post cost you, you probably don't see yourself able to publish much more than one entry a month. Still, you might want to know how many posts you should write with a new blog to get more visitors as soon as possible.
The ideal is to start with 3-5 posts written
Imagine that you are lucky enough to receive a retweet from a Twitter user with a lot of followers and your first post already receives an avalanche of visits. Honestly, it doesn't happen very often, but it's always possible. You may also have friends who, from their blogs or Twitter accounts, give you a hand on the day of the launch.
You've published your first post because you have to start somewhere. Even if only a few people come, they only have one post to read. They may even like what you've written and would spend more time reading if there was a wider range of content. In this case, you've missed a small opportunity to convert your first visitors into readers because apart from the first post, you have nothing to offer.