How to get less dependence on Google if you have a blog

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How to get less dependence on Google if you have a blog

Post by Abdur12 »

Most bloggers and webmasters are obsessed with improving their search engine rankings. They spend a lot of time optimizing their site and getting links when what they should be doing is creating good content. It is not good for any business to rely on just one provider. The moment a search engine like Google turns off the tap, the party is over. Here are 5 ways to be less dependent on Google when you have a blog.

Carlos Bravo
The main source of traffic for websites nowadays is usually Google. In many cases it is up to 80% of the total traffic . In the case of this blog it is usually only 20%, which also has to do with the fact that I hardly invest any time in optimizing the blog . It is an issue that does not worry me because I prefer to invest my time in creating content that tries to provide value to readers. Here are 5 tips to be less dependent on search engines:

not depending on Google

Take advantage of other traffic sources : as I mentioned in a korea mobile phone number previous post, there is a whole other world out there if you are looking for traffic . As my guerrilla marketing philosophy also says , “every drop counts.” A link in your signature, aggregators like or social networks are some examples of ways to get visits to your website.

Create a community among readers : Social networks such as Twitter and Facebook allow you to create a community around your blog. Your followers and “fans” can express their support which they can then share with their network of contacts and help you grow your reader base.

Build loyalty with your audience : A high subscriber base means you are able to build loyalty with your readers . They have given their permission to receive your new articles by email. Make it easy for them to subscribe to your blog . Creating series is an example of content that encourages subscription to your blog.

Take advantage of events and presentations : if you have the opportunity to present in public and reach a live audience, take the opportunity to mention that you have a blog. You will be surprised how many people will visit it afterwards and even actively participate through comments .
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