Content content content! Content is hip and happening. Content marketing is hot, everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon. It seems like we can no longer ignore it. Many organizations are 'working on it', one white paper or trend overview after another is published. Blogs and vlogs are flying off the shelves. And those with a lot of marketing money have an advantage when it comes to attention and conspicuousness, right? But is that enough?
Consumers can no longer see the forest for the trees because of all the content, especially because of the rise of the many social channels. They no longer just believe in paid media , they want content. In addition, social content is easily accessible and often does not cost money. Content is therefore the new hype, but is the content offered relevant? What is still credible and does it have meaning?
No, not entirely in my opinion, sometimes people just publish something to get attention. How do consumers select the information they find important? Above all: how can you, as an organization and marketer, make a distinction in the 'overload' of information? You wouldn't trust a shoemaker who doesn't wear shoes, would you? I guam real estate email database visited the Branded Content Event with the theme 'Content brands: hype or hero?'.
Content marketing is the only marketing left.” – Seth Godin ( source ).
And you have to look at that with the eyes of an experienced parent. Because with an aimless urge to change, you will not achieve much. How do you do that?
At Youngworks we study the erratic behavior and changeable mentality of young people in detail. Based on this knowledge we give four tips, so that you too can start the new year 'young' in a responsible way.
To rebel against the status quo, against the views of your parents, your teachers, another group of young people or against the prevailing norms and values in society. This is inherent to being young. It is a natural step within identity development. A protest idea often originates from young people, or is at least widely supported in young circles.