Internal Marketing: A Must to Retain Talent

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Internal Marketing: A Must to Retain Talent

Post by tanmoy667 »

According to the UWV, *1 in 5 employees changed jobs last year. That's 20%! Reason enough to do everything you can to keep your talent. How? Do internal marketing. It helps you to remain an attractive employer on all fronts.

What is internal marketing?
Marketing but for your internal organization. That may be a bit of a shortcut but it is what it comes down to. By optimizing your offer as an employer for employees, you keep them satisfied and loyal. But that is not all. You also have to tell them. Otherwise they do not know what you have to offer and they may not know how cool that is.

Internal marketing is nothing more than email list b2b marketing for your internal employee. Because it may be cheesy , but it remains true: winning externally is starting internally.

Internal marketing is marketing for your internal employee.

The 4P's applied to internal marketing
Marketing for your internal organization still sounds vague. That's why we like to use the well-known 4P's of McCarthy to give you something to hold on to:

You can apply this perfectly in your offer for employees. And no, that is not just about salary, but about the entire package.
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