Are they selling hope or fear?

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Are they selling hope or fear?

Post by Arzina3225 »

Also because it scores so well online. Lilian Marijnissen will not mind that ING decided to give the CEO a few million more during the campaign. She could not wish for a better enemy than greedy bankers online. She is not going to change anything, but shouting shame about someone else generates a lot of likes.

Is what they say true?
You are confronted with all sorts of shocking statements from political parties that rely on figures or statements from someone else. But is it correct? With the success of Donald Trump and Brexit in mind, the urge to have your facts in order will not have increased.

During the previous election, Wilders tweeted a now infamous edited photo of Alexander Pechtold among radical Muslims. Result: everyone angry. But also a photo that was seen by many people and was definitely not registered as fake by everyone.

Unfortunately, it is often the case that spreading untruths or half-truths can be very effective. So pay close attention to whether what is being said is true.

Almost every political campaign is a battle between parties that campaign on hope and parties that campaign on fear and anger. If you are considering online campaigning and philippines whatsapp number free you don't know what to do but want to succeed quickly? Then go for the fear and anger. Oh, that works well online! Criticize refugees, politics, the elite, call everyone rotten fish and present an image of a country that is being broken down. Then you don't need fancy videos at all. That like counter will start running automatically. It is not for nothing that in the Netherlands the politicians and parties that use fear as a catalyst have the largest number of fans and followers. Forum voor Democratie and PVV are king in this.


Pay attention to whether there are parties that go for hope. They choose the difficult path. But that too can be successful. Look at the VVD campaign on optimism versus pessimism, that of Jesse Klaver, or of course the mother of all hope campaigns: Barack Obama in 2008.

Who makes the best jokes?
Every party wants to come out as the funniest. Last time, that was mainly GroenLinks and VVD (admittedly: I played a role in that myself). Besides fear and anger, humor is the most successful trigger online. The previous election produced a few gems. Like this one from GroenLinks . This one from the VVD . This one from Klaas Dijkhoff . This one from Lodewijk Asscher . And an instant classic in campaign land: the hijacking of a CDA commercial by the VVD .
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