Digital Marketing: building a digital relationship
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:41 am
I have been working in the commercial area for 16 years and this was my first project in the digital marketing area. It was done voluntarily with the purpose of connecting my professional knowledge with the knowledge acquired in the classroom.
I applied my knowledge to a friend's barbershop, whose main goals for his business were to increase the number of services he offered, build customer loyalty, and become a local reference. The russian email address list means of communication was via WhatsApp and Instagram, and we decided that I would be responsible for improving and perfecting what had been built and developing new strategies.

With the main business objectives defined, I will detail throughout the article the following steps that make up the project:
Use SMART concepts to define 3 goals for the business;
Define the Personas;
Conditions explored such as: understanding and studying competitors, SWOT analysis, possible partners for the brand;
Resources and Tools used: Social Media (Instagram / Facebook ads / Google My Business) and Content Marketing.
1. Using the SMART concept to define 3 goals for the business
I used the SMART concept, a goal-setting method based on 5 factors: S (specific), M (measurable), A (achievable), R (relevant) and T (timely) to define 3 goals for the business; important for evaluating the progress of my actions.
After applying SMART, the 3 goals were defined as follows:
– Acquire 10 new customers per month, until October of this year, using Instagram, Facebook and Google;
– In the next 6 months, increase the follower base on Instagram and Facebook by 50%, making the brand more recognized. Have a good rating on Google;
– Obtain a minimum gross return on sales of 40% in the next 6 months, using marketing strategies focused on customer loyalty.
At the end of this article, you will be able to check the results obtained.
2. Define the Personas
With the aim of bringing the barbershop closer to its customers, the Brand Persona (a character that conveys the brand's identity) and the Buyer Persona (a fictional character that presents patterns of behavior observed in customers who frequent the barbershop) were created. And how was it done?
The Brand Persona was created based on the essence of the owner, the brand and based on the brand's purpose:
“Paul is 30 years old and usually goes out and to work wearing comfortable and stylish clothes, such as jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt. He cares a lot about his self-esteem, is a fan of keeping his haircut in line with the current trends and has a few tattoos; he is outgoing and usually has frequent contact with friends and family. In his conversations, he uses occasional slang, communicating politely and respectfully with others.”
The Buyer Persona was created by analyzing the customer base registered in the system, the way they behave via social networks or in person and based on the Empathy Map (questions such as: What do you think and feel? / What happened? / What do you say and do?). Below is a description of the Buyer Persona:
“Alessandro is 27 years old, a People and Culture consultant, and lives in Curitiba, in the Bigorrilho neighborhood. He has a degree in Social Communication, and provides consulting services to companies and individuals on People Management and posts tutorials on topics related to culture. Whenever possible, he participates in events and workshops related to culture. As he is also a digital influencer and cares a lot about his image, he usually always looks good so that people can see him on his social media. In his free time, he enjoys outdoor activities, going to the gym, and attending get-togethers with friends and family.”
3. Conditions explored such as: understanding and studying competitors, SWOT analysis, studying possible partners for the brand;
After defining the goals and personas, I sought to understand and study the barbershop's main competitors, with the intention of checking and knowing how they behaved on social media, I did a SWOT analysis and studied possible partners to strengthen the brand.
Regarding competitors, the barbershop has few in the region, 3 in total, with particularities among them, being: lower prices, higher prices and a women's salon that occasionally serves some men. Regarding the strengthening of the brand, as soon as I took over the project, the barbershop partnered with a local product supplier, which contributed to the issue of its awareness.
I applied my knowledge to a friend's barbershop, whose main goals for his business were to increase the number of services he offered, build customer loyalty, and become a local reference. The russian email address list means of communication was via WhatsApp and Instagram, and we decided that I would be responsible for improving and perfecting what had been built and developing new strategies.

With the main business objectives defined, I will detail throughout the article the following steps that make up the project:
Use SMART concepts to define 3 goals for the business;
Define the Personas;
Conditions explored such as: understanding and studying competitors, SWOT analysis, possible partners for the brand;
Resources and Tools used: Social Media (Instagram / Facebook ads / Google My Business) and Content Marketing.
1. Using the SMART concept to define 3 goals for the business
I used the SMART concept, a goal-setting method based on 5 factors: S (specific), M (measurable), A (achievable), R (relevant) and T (timely) to define 3 goals for the business; important for evaluating the progress of my actions.
After applying SMART, the 3 goals were defined as follows:
– Acquire 10 new customers per month, until October of this year, using Instagram, Facebook and Google;
– In the next 6 months, increase the follower base on Instagram and Facebook by 50%, making the brand more recognized. Have a good rating on Google;
– Obtain a minimum gross return on sales of 40% in the next 6 months, using marketing strategies focused on customer loyalty.
At the end of this article, you will be able to check the results obtained.
2. Define the Personas
With the aim of bringing the barbershop closer to its customers, the Brand Persona (a character that conveys the brand's identity) and the Buyer Persona (a fictional character that presents patterns of behavior observed in customers who frequent the barbershop) were created. And how was it done?
The Brand Persona was created based on the essence of the owner, the brand and based on the brand's purpose:
“Paul is 30 years old and usually goes out and to work wearing comfortable and stylish clothes, such as jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt. He cares a lot about his self-esteem, is a fan of keeping his haircut in line with the current trends and has a few tattoos; he is outgoing and usually has frequent contact with friends and family. In his conversations, he uses occasional slang, communicating politely and respectfully with others.”
The Buyer Persona was created by analyzing the customer base registered in the system, the way they behave via social networks or in person and based on the Empathy Map (questions such as: What do you think and feel? / What happened? / What do you say and do?). Below is a description of the Buyer Persona:
“Alessandro is 27 years old, a People and Culture consultant, and lives in Curitiba, in the Bigorrilho neighborhood. He has a degree in Social Communication, and provides consulting services to companies and individuals on People Management and posts tutorials on topics related to culture. Whenever possible, he participates in events and workshops related to culture. As he is also a digital influencer and cares a lot about his image, he usually always looks good so that people can see him on his social media. In his free time, he enjoys outdoor activities, going to the gym, and attending get-togethers with friends and family.”
3. Conditions explored such as: understanding and studying competitors, SWOT analysis, studying possible partners for the brand;
After defining the goals and personas, I sought to understand and study the barbershop's main competitors, with the intention of checking and knowing how they behaved on social media, I did a SWOT analysis and studied possible partners to strengthen the brand.
Regarding competitors, the barbershop has few in the region, 3 in total, with particularities among them, being: lower prices, higher prices and a women's salon that occasionally serves some men. Regarding the strengthening of the brand, as soon as I took over the project, the barbershop partnered with a local product supplier, which contributed to the issue of its awareness.