The calendar also uses drop-down menus

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The calendar also uses drop-down menus

Post by sakibkhan22197 »

Channel: The social media platform on which the post will be published
Day: The day of the week the post will be published
Status: Whether the post is planned, in progress, scheduled, or published
Date: The date the position will be posted

Time (GMT): The time at which the mobile phone saudi arabia mobile number directory post will be published (with the time zone in parentheses)
Post Topic/Type: The category of the post
Copy: The text that will be used in the post
Visual Type: The type of image or visual to use in the post (if any).
Visual (Drive Link): A link to the visual in Google Drive

Link to Assets: The URL(s) of any other assets (e.g. blog posts) you want to link to
Link to published post: A direct link to the final post (once published)
Color coding allows users to take in


information at a glance.

For example, you can easily see if you've planned a good variety of visual elements.

Color-coded “Visual Type” column featured in social media content calendar
The calendar also uses drop-down menus.

"Topic/Post Type" dropdown column highlighted
All of these details help teams streamline social media management and produce engaging social media content .

How to use the template
Here's how to create your own social media content calendar :

Open our free template in Google Sheets
If prompted, sign in to your Google account
Click " Use Template " in the top right corner
Rename your calendar in the top left corner
Share your calendar with your team
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