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The amazing things you can learn through blogger training

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:07 am
by Abdur12
We are launching version 3.0 of the “Course for Bloggers” soon. In this post I share with you some amazing things I have learned in the last few editions.

Carlos Bravo0
The “Course for Bloggers” was my first training course. In less than 2 years, it had more than 500 paying students and more than 30,000 in free live events broadcast via streaming . It was born out of the need to generate additional income since the start-up I was setting up at the time was having difficulty paying me a minimum wage.

bloggers course

The closure of a business led me to set up a new one : Quondos. Since then I have continued to create new projects and initiatives. Some have not survived and continue to grow, developing their own japan phone number code identity. In the meantime, many of you have been asking me to re-launch the “Course for Bloggers” but I had the feeling that the time had come to do something new and different.

Contents [ hide ]

1 Surprise: Economics in training does not sell (very well)
2 We launched Course for Bloggers 3.0 in a big way
3 Things I wish I had known from day one as a blogger
Surprise: economics in training does not sell (very well)
With Quondos' infrastructure at my disposal, the time had come to renew this course that had marked my first steps in this training sector. At the end of last year we took the plunge and created a comprehensive course for bloggers based on my old content, complementing it with everything available in Quondos.

An online training with more than 150 videos with 6 teachers and 3 tutors.
Including 8 parts that are complete courses in themselves (Google Adsense, web analytics, e-mail marketing, content marketing, creating a blog with WordPress, SEO, practical cases, etc.).
We made a mistake. For all that it contained, it was offered for too little money . You got all that for the price of the first edition. When you offer so much so cheaply, it can often raise doubts as to whether the cheap price is really worth it .