How to reward your readers who help you promote your blog
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:23 am
Your readers are the most valuable thing you have. The most loyal among them should be rewarded from time to time. It is not that complicated to do so, nor does it require much time.
Carlos Bravo24
Forget about contests and rankings. One of the best rewards you can receive as a blogger is the participation of readers in your work. No day has enough hours for you to promote yourself with such force, obtaining a result similar to that achieved by your faithful followers without asking for anything in return.
Thank you to the readersPhoto rights by Fotolia
Why a community around your blog is so powerful
My main motivation for continuing to write is knowing that there are people out there who benefit from the content I share daily on this blog. Over time, a community has been created that even helps each other japanese phone numbers list and generates links beyond this blog. These people perceive that what you do is of such value to them that they find ways to return the favor you are doing them with your work.
You receive links without asking for them : not all of your readers have a blog. Many of those who have their own blog use it to refer to your articles. You may not get hundreds or thousands of hits, but for search engines every link counts . Others also do it from forums where they participate or by leaving links to your posts in the comments field of other bloggers.
Social media sharing : Sharing a post you liked on Twitter or Facebook is the easiest thing in the world. Many bloggers make it difficult for their readers to promote it at no cost because they don't put the buttons in the right position or don't have them configured properly, making it difficult to share.
Offline promotion : Since it is a channel that you cannot measure directly, it is difficult to know how many people come to your blog through word of mouth. Since I am very active in events, I am lucky to receive a lot of direct feedback from some readers. That is when I take the opportunity to ask how they got to know about my blog. Many times they are coworkers, friends or professors from masters and courses who have been the starting point for them to start reading me.
Carlos Bravo24
Forget about contests and rankings. One of the best rewards you can receive as a blogger is the participation of readers in your work. No day has enough hours for you to promote yourself with such force, obtaining a result similar to that achieved by your faithful followers without asking for anything in return.
Thank you to the readersPhoto rights by Fotolia
Why a community around your blog is so powerful
My main motivation for continuing to write is knowing that there are people out there who benefit from the content I share daily on this blog. Over time, a community has been created that even helps each other japanese phone numbers list and generates links beyond this blog. These people perceive that what you do is of such value to them that they find ways to return the favor you are doing them with your work.
You receive links without asking for them : not all of your readers have a blog. Many of those who have their own blog use it to refer to your articles. You may not get hundreds or thousands of hits, but for search engines every link counts . Others also do it from forums where they participate or by leaving links to your posts in the comments field of other bloggers.
Social media sharing : Sharing a post you liked on Twitter or Facebook is the easiest thing in the world. Many bloggers make it difficult for their readers to promote it at no cost because they don't put the buttons in the right position or don't have them configured properly, making it difficult to share.
Offline promotion : Since it is a channel that you cannot measure directly, it is difficult to know how many people come to your blog through word of mouth. Since I am very active in events, I am lucky to receive a lot of direct feedback from some readers. That is when I take the opportunity to ask how they got to know about my blog. Many times they are coworkers, friends or professors from masters and courses who have been the starting point for them to start reading me.