Why not copy marketing guru and blogger Seth Godin if you have a blog?

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Why not copy marketing guru and blogger Seth Godin if you have a blog?

Post by Abdur12 »

Finding a unique style as a blogger is key to building reader loyalty. Even if you take Seth Godin as an example, it doesn't make sense if you really want to be successful with a blog.

Carlos Bravo3
For those of you who don't know him, Seth Godin is probably one of the most famous marketing figures in the world. The American publishes books like other people publish posts. He has already published 14 of them and all of them have been successful in practically all the countries where they were published. Among them is also “The Purple Cow”, which was one of my first marketing books and which remains one of my favorites.

Seth Godin's Blog

Seth Godin is one of the most successful marketing bloggers in the world

Seth Godin also has a blog . Each of his posts usually gets jordan phone number search between 1,000-3,000 retweets (this blog has 2 posts that have over 1,000). In each post he posts his own marketing tips and thoughts. He posts daily and there are days where he posts multiple articles. They are usually no more than 300 words and there are many with even less than 100. This man is simply a genius and an inspiration to any blogger or marketing professional. I still don’t recommend you do what he does.

Every blogger should have a unique style

Among the thousands of marketing blogs worldwide, Seth Godin's is probably one of the best known. He has a unique style that makes all the difference. Copying someone who is very successful in the blogging world will most likely lead you to failure.

Every blogger should have a unique style. There may be some that you like. Copying them is pointless. No one is satisfied with someone's copy. No matter how good they are.

Your reputation in the present is created by your actions in the past.

Seth Godin can say anything. He's reached a point where he doesn't even have to explain his arguments if he doesn't feel like it. If you don't understand what he's saying, you might even have to read some of his books to understand his marketing philosophy.
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