The 10 Topics That Work Best to Capture Traffic on Blogs

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The 10 Topics That Work Best to Capture Traffic on Blogs

Post by Abdur12 »

There are different types of posts that tend to be more popular with readers than others. Especially if you're using Twitter as a distribution channel for your posts, you should consider what types of topics are best received by users. Here are some tips based on the type of content that works best on this or other blogs.

Carlos Bravo10
As you write and read other blogs , you discover what type of content is most successful among readers. Success in this case is a very personal perception that I measure in the number of retweets or comments a post has received . Here are 10 topics that you almost always have success with.

The best topics to attract traffic to your blog

1. Google : news about Google and especially about algorithm changes.

2. Twitter : advice on how to behave on Twitter and/or how to make better use of the tool.

3. Current affairs : opinion articles on events of korea mobile number national interest such as the air traffic controllers' strike.

4. Government : criticizing the political situation in the Internet (e.g. #leysinde).

5. Events : summaries of major events where we have participated, talking about people, companies and presentations.

6. Celebrities : miniposts about celebrities who write and upload photos on social networks like Facebook or Twitter.

7. Surveys : summaries of market studies on advertising, Twitter, user behavior, Facebook or the Internet in general.

8. Lists : lists about top providers, Internet gurus, Apple blogs, etc.

8. Guides : the famous “How to” posts that in Spanish would be “How to win…”, “How to improve…”, “How to save…”, etc.

10. Personal : More personal content is often successful because it is perceived as very authentic and provokes a reaction.
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