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The recipe for starting an e-commerce business: How to get started?

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:30 am
by Abdur12
From experience and as an ecommerce consultant , at Uzink we know all the ingredients when it comes to starting an online business. That's why our consulting team has jointly prepared this article in which we share the best tips for starting an ecommerce business.

Table of Contents
E-commerce gains ground on traditional commerce
The secret ingredients for starting an e-commerce business
What are you going to sell? Define a good business model
Where are you going to do it? Study your online channels
What experience do you want to offer? Design your online brand
How are you going to deliver it? Take care of logistics and transportation
How do you want to stand out? Communication is everything
E-commerce gains ground on traditional commerce
All the analyses confirm this. According to a recent korean email address list report published by BBVA , online consumer spending now represents 20% of the total. In contrast to this growth, it is important to note the 4% drop in retail trade.

Despite the clarity of this trend, there is one fact that is alarming and, at the same time, represents a great opportunity. 95 % of small businesses in Spain still do not sell online , according to the Spanish Chamber of Commerce. Why wait to take the step online?

The secret ingredients for starting an e-commerce business
What are you going to sell? Define a good business model
Opportunities are multiplied on the Internet, but so is the competition. That is why it is vital to thoroughly analyse the competition to find out which product or service, in what form and with what business model you will have a real opportunity to compete.

Where are you going to do it? Study your online channels
Having your own online store can be your best option. However, just as distribution channels are established in the offline world, something similar happens on the Internet. Don't forget to consider third-party sales platforms, agreements with other platforms, direct sales through social networks, reward systems for influencers... Walking with a companion can pay off.