Further advantages of a CRM system

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Further advantages of a CRM system

Post by mouakter13 »

A CRM also helps companies automate their marketing activities: 42% of respondents successfully use their CRM system for all marketing automation – compared to only 27% who use standalone marketing automation software.

In addition, CRM systems allow companies to look to the future more positively. A full 70% of respondents who introduced a CRM are optimistic about the second half of 2022. In comparison, 32% of respondents without CRM japan cell phone number were rather pessimistic towards the end of the year.

Many companies are struggling to operate profitably and meet the growing needs of their customers. Modern SMEs need software that can address some of these challenges, simplify their workflows and help them stay competitive. A CRM system can streamline processes, free up workers and improve customer relationships - all huge benefits for SMEs that take advantage of this innovative technology in today's fast-moving market.

When you test a CRM system , you'll quickly find that the above statements and assumptions are outdated or based on incorrect information. Easy-to-use and affordable solutions like Act! can be implemented in companies of all sizes, allowing them to not only keep up with the competition, but stay one step ahead.

You can download the complete Act! CRM Survey Report 2022: The Role of CRM Software in Today's SMEs here .

Want to see a CRM live in action? Try Act! free for 14 days. No credit card or download required.
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