Ray-Ban makes you a better reader
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:53 am
While the subjects primed with the Apple logo noted an average of 7.68 usage possibilities, subjects primed with IBM noted an average of 6.10 usage possibilities. The usage possibilities were also assessed by a jury on creativity. The group primed with the Apple logo not only noted more usage possibilities, but also more creative usage possibilities (Fitzsimons, Chartrand & Fitzsimons, 2008).
Also read: How you are influenced in the supermarket: 3 effective nudges
So Apple objectively makes you more creative. Reason enough to hang a big poster of Steve Jobs in your office. Right?
Steve Jobs Think Different as Apple's brand image
Source: Anton_Ivanov / Shutterstock.com
In this experiment, participants were asked to email id database free download wear sunglasses in bright light and read words on paper as accurately and quickly as possible. For each word they read, they received a small reward.
One group was given Ray-Ban sunglasses, while the other group was given the exact same sunglasses, but with a Mango logo on them.
You probably guessed it already; the group wearing Ray-Ban sunglasses made fewer errors and read faster than the group wearing Mango sunglasses (Amar, Carmon, Ariely, Bar-Hillel & Ofir, 2011).
So it's time to buy those expensive Ray-Bans if you have a lot of books on your reading list for the holidays.
Also read: How you are influenced in the supermarket: 3 effective nudges
So Apple objectively makes you more creative. Reason enough to hang a big poster of Steve Jobs in your office. Right?
Steve Jobs Think Different as Apple's brand image
Source: Anton_Ivanov / Shutterstock.com
In this experiment, participants were asked to email id database free download wear sunglasses in bright light and read words on paper as accurately and quickly as possible. For each word they read, they received a small reward.
One group was given Ray-Ban sunglasses, while the other group was given the exact same sunglasses, but with a Mango logo on them.
You probably guessed it already; the group wearing Ray-Ban sunglasses made fewer errors and read faster than the group wearing Mango sunglasses (Amar, Carmon, Ariely, Bar-Hillel & Ofir, 2011).
So it's time to buy those expensive Ray-Bans if you have a lot of books on your reading list for the holidays.