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How to sell stale goods?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 9:06 am
by Mimaktsa10
Stale goods are a problem that can arise for any seller, and there are a number of reasons for this. Of course, it is best to take them into account in advance to avoid unpleasant situations, the main ones being financial troubles. But what should those who have already become the “happy” owner of illiquid goods do? The answer is obvious - sell it as soon as possible. And there are many effective ways to do this, which should be considered in more detail in order to choose the best one for yourself.

Why do stale goods appear?
There are many reasons why a product languishes on the shelves of a store or warehouse. If you identify them right away, such products can be sold on time without causing damage to the company. Among them, it is worth noting:

Unfavorable location. The product simply does not reach thecomoros email list eyes of buyers, be it on store shelves or a trading site. In this case, it is important to demonstrate it in all its glory.
Lack of demand. This concerns online trade. There is a list of products that for one reason or another are rarely searched for using search engines, so it is necessary to focus on them in a different way.
Price. Quite often, stale goods are those that are too expensive or too cheap. Both situations only repel customers. To avoid such mistakes, you should approach pricing very carefully.
Lack of information. This is especially true for online trading. Often, goods that have no description, photos, reviews, or they are incomplete, of poor quality, or negative, become illiquid.
Why do stale goods appear?

Effective ways to sell stale goods
Selling stale goods is possible and should be done, armed with all available methods. It should be taken into account that they may differ depending on the type of trade: online or offline. Although there are methods that are effective in both cases.

Discounts. Always the best option. The main thing is to attract attention to the favorable price.
Sale. This also involves reducing prices, but it is more extensive and can involve a large number of products. This method can be especially successful on the eve of holidays.
Hype. Stale goods can be sold by creating an artificial deficit. It is enough to indicate that the quantity of the product is limited or is running out.
Optimal layout. In this case, we are talking about offline sales. Slow-moving goods can be easily sold by changing their location. For example, they can be placed at the eye level of customers in the front row or near the checkout and exit from the store. Placing them near more expensive products can also be effective. A good option is mass display of goods. It will certainly attract the attention of visitors to the retail space.
Gift. A great solution is to offer illiquid goods as a gift for a more valuable product. This will not only help unload the warehouse from stale products, but also increase sales of other items.
Promotion. In online sales, a decent product presentation is extremely important. If you work hard on the card of a slow-selling product (add high-quality images, describe the advantages), then the chances of its sale will increase significantly. An even greater effect can be expected from well-configured advertising.
Effective ways to sell stale goods

You can choose the method of selling illiquid assets that is easiest to implement in a particular case or try several methods to evaluate their effect in comparison.