Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 7:16 am
iTunes, soundcloud, hypem – if you’ve got something to shout about, it’s time to get your voice heard, literally, all over the web. Podcasts are a great, direct way for people to connect with you and your online brand, especially amongst younger people.
Depending on your industry this may seem a little new and scary, but offer an enjoyable listen on topics prospective customers care about and you could win real customer loyalty. Costly equipment isn’t vnpay database necessary either, all that you’ll need is a half decent mic, a passion for your subject and some sound editing software. Audacity is a perfectly usable, free option. Again, don’t forget to share your podcast far and wide across your other social channels…
Social Content
Competitions, news, images, videos, viral content – the whole point of social is that content isn’t just created, it’s shared. So remember that it’s not all about you. Yes disseminate your eBooks and podcasts, but make sure you’re sharing other exciting bits and pieces from other sources too. Get involved in your industry online and keep the conversation flowing to attract interest, a reputation for real market engagement and increasing numbers of followers.
Videos & Vines
Vine is the trendy new video of the web. A maximum of 6 second looping shot, these are small, diverting video nuggets which don’t take 5 minutes to load or need to be instantly closed when the boss comes into the office. If you can come up with a clever vine pertaining to what you do as a business – you could enjoy some real attention! The key is the concept. With such a short timeframe it has to pack a punch and get your message across.
If you’re after less of a creative challenge, YouTube & Vimeo are ever present and ever popular. From how tos and presentations to spoofs and viral clips – if you can get creative for the camera, you’ll have some great content to cultivate a presence in this corner of the web.
Depending on your industry this may seem a little new and scary, but offer an enjoyable listen on topics prospective customers care about and you could win real customer loyalty. Costly equipment isn’t vnpay database necessary either, all that you’ll need is a half decent mic, a passion for your subject and some sound editing software. Audacity is a perfectly usable, free option. Again, don’t forget to share your podcast far and wide across your other social channels…
Social Content
Competitions, news, images, videos, viral content – the whole point of social is that content isn’t just created, it’s shared. So remember that it’s not all about you. Yes disseminate your eBooks and podcasts, but make sure you’re sharing other exciting bits and pieces from other sources too. Get involved in your industry online and keep the conversation flowing to attract interest, a reputation for real market engagement and increasing numbers of followers.
Videos & Vines
Vine is the trendy new video of the web. A maximum of 6 second looping shot, these are small, diverting video nuggets which don’t take 5 minutes to load or need to be instantly closed when the boss comes into the office. If you can come up with a clever vine pertaining to what you do as a business – you could enjoy some real attention! The key is the concept. With such a short timeframe it has to pack a punch and get your message across.
If you’re after less of a creative challenge, YouTube & Vimeo are ever present and ever popular. From how tos and presentations to spoofs and viral clips – if you can get creative for the camera, you’ll have some great content to cultivate a presence in this corner of the web.