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Uploading an HTML File

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 3:43 am
Copy the code and use your HTML editor to open the code for your site's home page. Paste the provided code into the <Head> section of the HTML code. If your site already has a meta tag or other code in the <Head> section, it doesn't matter where the verification code is placed in relation to the other code; it just needs to be in the <Head> section. If your site doesn't have a <Head> section, you can create one to verify the site.

Once the verification code is added, save and publish the updated code and open your site's homepage. From there, view the site's source code. The verification code should be visible in the <Head> section.

Once you’ve made sure the code is added to your albania phone number library site’s homepage, go back to Google Search Console and click “Verify.” Google will then check your site’s code for the verification code. If the code is found, you’ll see a screen that tells you that your site is verified. If not, you’ll be notified about any errors you may have encountered.
Once your site is verified by Search Console, do not remove the verification code from your site. Removing the code will cause your site to become unverified.


To use this method, you must be able to upload files to the root of a site.
From the Google Search Console dashboard, select “Manage Site,” and then “Verify This Site.” If “Upload HTML File” is not listed under “Recommended Method,” it should be listed under the “Alternative Method” tab.
When you choose this method, you will be prompted to download an HTML file. Download it, and then upload it to the specified location. Do not make any changes to the content or file name of the file; the file must be kept exactly the same. If it is changed, Google Search Console will not be able to verify the site.
Once the HTML file is uploaded, return to Search Console and click “Verify.” If everything was uploaded correctly, you will see a page stating that the site has been verified.
After you verify your site using this method, do not delete the HTML file from your site. This will cause your site to be unverified.

3. Verify with Domain Name Provider