With 10.7 million active accounts in France, whatsapp data LinkedIn is the largest professional network. Prospecting in the digital age involves changing habits. Traditional means must of course be part of your strategy, however the digital share must increase.
Even if today's sedentary salespeople use digital to prospect, do they do it effectively enough? Do they devote enough time to this process? According to the cross-referencing of several sources, the average time spent prospecting on LinkedIn would be 6 hours per week.
However, few companies use it today for prospecting, despite all the opportunities offered by the network. Therefore, we can ask ourselves how LinkedIn is a powerful digital tool for commercial prospecting.
Before you start your business prospecting, you must first optimize your profile. Your profile is like a web page, you must find information quickly without having to search. There are therefore different criteria to respect so that your personal or business LinkedIn pages are perfectly visible.
Your personal page on LinkedIn
Your personal page should include essential elements so that the person you are contacting quickly knows who you are. These elements are:
A photo of yourself . This must be professional and in line with your profession. The photo allows you to put a face to a name and to establish an initial form of relationship.
Your professional title . The professional title is the basis of LinkedIn, because it allows you to reference yourself and know what company you work for. It must have an evocative title and keywords.
Your location . Regional proximity has a very positive effect on lead generation.