Use advanced ranking tracking features

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Use advanced ranking tracking features

Post by phonenumberlist »

At a minimum, you should check your keyword positions once a week. When Google makes major changes, it often takes a few weeks to see any movement. But simply checking your ranking positions once a month is not enough.

Ideally, you should check your positions every day. This frequency will help you determine your average position over time, so you can get a better idea of ​​what type of movement is normal.

When checking the rankings on a australia whatsapp daily basis, it is best to rely on a quality tool that can do the most boring research for you. This way, the daily checks become a simple thing that does not waste your precious time.

AccuRanker , for example, provides daily, on-demand updates on your SERP positions. It generates an in-depth report that shows your search ranking history along with information that can help you make data-driven decisions to improve your SEO strategy.

AccuRanker - SERP Analysis
Source: Accuranker

The best part?

With AccuRanker, there is no limit to how often you can track location changes. The system works non-stop and can provide updates whenever you need them.

#5. Establish baselines and benchmarks
When trying to interpret keyword fluctuations, it is important to have a reference point. For this reason, for each keyword you intend to use, you need to establish baselines and benchmarks. These goals and minimum performance requirements will help you determine whether you are meeting or exceeding expectations.
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