This technique has found wide application in the B2B sphere and especially in those segments where there is increased competition. It is based on the principle that the main thing in the dialogue is the potential buyer. The manager must solve the client's problem.
Using this method, you can effectively sell complex solutions, such as life insurance policies. To identify the client's requests, the manager must formulate certain questions at the beginning of communication. After that, he acts as a mentor and consultant in choosing the best solution.
Conceptual sales techniques for managers
This method will significantly increase the number singapore business email list of orders in B2B sales. It is based on identifying the difficulties that the client faces and presenting effective options for eliminating them. Ultimately, the potential customer will receive not just one solution, but an entire personalized system that will effectively solve the main tasks. If for certain reasons the deal becomes unprofitable for one of the parties, it should be cancelled.
Sandler approach
Another sales technique for managers involved in B2B sales. At the initial stage, all the details of the upcoming cooperation are discussed. The manager describes future interactions, talks about potential difficulties and possible force majeure. This approach allows for more optimal spending of funds and allocation of time.
When using this methodwaste time on a client who is not interested in the product being sold."
No less effective sales techniques and methods for managers
This section presents 5 simple sales techniques that can be considered as additions to the previously discussed techniques. These are quite useful tools that are convenient for sales managers to work with, but their effectiveness is often lower than that of the main techniques.
Demonstration of the result
The essence of the method is to show the potential buyer the possible result after using the offered product. If such a demonstration is impossible, the manager can give examples from existing experience and reviews of other consumers. The purpose of the technique is to form in the client a feeling of owning the product and receiving certain benefits from it.
Cost splitting
A high price often scares off a client from concluding a deal. But if you divide, for example, the cost of equipment of 400 thousand by five years of its use, you get only 6666.7 rubles per month. This method is often used by credit and financial institutions or stores offering their products on credit.
Price justification
It happens that a potential buyer really liked the product, but at the stage of familiarization with the cost, he suddenly changes his mind, calling it too high. In this case, the manager must have skills in "working with the price". Justification of the cost is carried out at the presentation stage by means of a detailed demonstration of the advantages and benefits of the offer.
Price justification
In a situation where a customer asks about the cost while talking about the advantages of a product, the manager can use the "Sandwich" technique presented earlier. Here, the top and bottom bread will be the advantages, and the filling will be the customer's objections. Everything must be presented in such a way that the benefit of the purchase outweighs the buyer's doubts.
Appeal to vanity
When using this sales technique, it is important for the manager to demonstrate the product to the client in such a way as to distinguish it from others, raise its authority among others, provide a higher status, increase competitiveness, etc. All these opportunities can be obtained after the purchase. It should be taken into account that when working with the “appeal to vanity” technique, you need to have a sense of proportion. You cannot overdo it here. The potential buyer should not feel a catch or decide that the manager believes that the client is not all right. You should start a conversation about increasing status in such a way as not to “hurt” the opponent’s sense of dignity.
The name of the technique may seem a bit risky, but it does not use tools to create fear and a sense of threat in the client. The manager simply informs the potential client about some limitations of the offer made (short-term promotion, limited quantity, seasonal discounts, etc.). This strategy can push the client to a quick decision so as not to lose a profitable opportunity.
Effective sales managers close deals without selling. They do not have the goal of "pushing" something on the client to earn money. Such sellers are firmly convinced that they are making a unique and advantageous offer to the client. At the same time, the potential buyer needs to close the deal even more than the manager. Various sales techniques are only a tool for working in the sales sphere.
Common Mistakes When Using Sales Techniques
Below are the main mistakes that managers make when using various sales techniques:
Inability to listen to the opponent . Such a seller is not able to build trust with the client, so the client does not feel the need to share his problems.
Trying to convince without using compelling arguments . A salesperson who cannot justify the benefits the customer will receive after purchasing a product sows doubt in the customer.
The manager inadequately assesses the buyer's competence . It is important that the seller communicates with the client using terminology that is understandable to the latter.
Excessive imposition of additional products by the seller in order to increase the transaction amount. You cannot put pressure on a client who has refused the manager's offer by constantly asking similar questions.
The manager is poorly acquainted with the product's properties and cannot reveal its value. The inability to competently make an offer highlighting its advantages often leads to the breakdown of sales deals.
The manager does not have the skills to form the needs of a potential buyer . Not every person is ready to make a purchase based only on an offer. It is important that the seller be able to explain to the client the benefits that he will receive as a result of the transaction.
Negative reaction of the manager to the failure of the sale . It should be understood that mistakes can happen in any negotiations. The seller should always analyze such situations in order to avoid similar mistakes in subsequent activities