Duration or the length of visit are good quality benchmarks of the organic traffic channel. The picture above (point 5 of important KPIs) clearly shows that the quality of traffic driven by Bing.com is much higher than for other search engines. SEO results achieved there are definitely worth investigation in more details regarding keywords, etc. As a result it may be valuable to introduce conclusions in the Google & Yahoo! part of SEO to improve the overall performance.
Please note that the visit duration may sometimes france email list be misleading as time spent on the last page (ie. exit page) in the visit is always ignored by web statistics (= cannot be tracked). 7. Volume of traffic coming from "Universal Search" By applying filters or other more advanced configuration of Google Analytics you can easily track number of visits coming from "Universal Search" related sources such as Google Images (nice example here), Google Base (example here), Google News (example here), etc.
Not only it gives the possibility to examine how well exposed particular resources of your site are but it gives a valuable feedback on effectiveness of SEO process in different search services. 8. Traffic growth for keywords related to the one you focus on Even if you limit your SEO efforts to one keyword (let's say "widgets") you are most likely to see its impact on rankings of phrases that contain this keyword (e.g. "blue widgets").
Average length of visit / visit duration Similarly to the bounce rate
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