Mistake #1: No clear call to action.

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Mistake #1: No clear call to action.

Post by kexej28769@nongnue »

While there are many posts out there on how to conduct a content audit (and I encourage you to check out these posts: How to Conduct a Content Audit and 5 Lessons Learned from a Content Audit ), I’m going to focus on what my general findings were from conducting 15 content audits recently. My goal is to provide you with more of a framework for how you can talk to clients about their content or, if you’re a client, ways you can improve your website’s content to keep users on the site longer and ultimately convert.

I have yet to complete a content audit where creating a clear call to action was not the focus. The goal of the page should be clear to any visitor (or content auditor). What is it that you want the bangladesh number data to do next when they land on this page? Many of our clients are not e-commerce, so this may seem less obvious. However, assuming you want someone to stay on your website, what happens next?

Even if the answer is “I want them to visit my store,” make it easy for them. Include a prominent “Visit our store” button. If it’s a simple blog page, what are the next blog articles someone should read based on what they just read? Or do you have a related eBook you want them to download? You’ve got them to the end of your post — don’t lose the visitor because they’re not sure what to do next!

Mistake #2: Lack of content for all stages of the customer journey
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