Actors and roles in the relationship with NSO

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Actors and roles in the relationship with NSO

Post by nrumohammad0 »

How does NSO work?
The NSO (Order Sorting Node) platform is a telematic system of interconnection between customer (the PA) and supplier , similar to the Electronic Invoicing Exchange System (SdI), but in this case under the management of the Ministry of Economy and Finance - Department of the General Accounting Office of the State.

The relationship with the NSO platform involves the presence of three types bahamas phone data of actors who can therefore communicate with each other:

the Customer, i.e. the Public Administration body that purchases goods and/or services or the entity that can represent it and aggregate it with other PA bodies in the purchasing cycle;
the Supplier , i.e. the economic operator who supplies goods and/or services to Public Administration bodies or to the subjects who represent or aggregate them;
the Intermediary , i.e. the subject or system that manages on behalf of the Customer and/or the Supplier, entirely or in part, the process of creating, sending, receiving and processing the Messages.
For the purposes of the platform model, each actor can assume the following roles:
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