This usually appeals to customers with more purchasing

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This usually appeals to customers with more purchasing

Post by ariful199 »

Do better – don’t copy! I would like to go into one aspect of the business idea again because I see it done wrong so often. I keep seeing new projects on the Internet that simply copy the idea of ​​a successful website 1:1 and try to be successful with it. This only works to a limited extent offline, but at least there is the "location" factor. A business idea that I copy 1:1 from the neighboring town can be successful in my town. On the web, however, the “location” factor hardly plays a role anymore. Whether an online shop comes from Hamburg or Munich is irrelevant, unlike a physical store.

That’s why it’s important to improve existing business ideas and not singapore email list simply copy them. What does better mean? This can mean many things, including: Simpler You can make products or services simpler. There may already be solutions to problems or wishes, but they are too complicated. Faster You can be faster than the competition and therefore have the edge. Cheaper This is a tricky point. Of course there are good examples of business ideas based on “cheaper”. But then you also have to make sure that the competition cannot be just as cheap overnight.


Higher quality Why always mass? You can also go for class and have higher quality products. This usually appeals to customers with more purchasing power. For example, you could expand your own product range even further and thereby set yourself apart from the competition. More specifically, you could specialize more than your competitors and thus position yourself more clearly as an expert. Different Basically, you should be different. But of course on a reasonable and sensible economic basis. Just aiming for the point “being different” can also backfire.
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